Looking Forward to a great 2025
How you can support us...
Please click on the below tabs to find out more about the various ways in which you can support us!
Supporting the Infrastructure developments of the School and College Site
Cardinal Newman Catholic School is a Voluntary Aided School with a building that is now 150 years old. With this in mind, we continually need to generate work to create a better learning environment for our students.
Each year, we receive funding from the Arundel & Brighton Diocese to help us fund these projects, but we still need to raise 10% of this funding to receive it.
Previous years have seen this funding be used for Toilet refurbishments, disabled access works, fire alarms and emergency lighting upgrades, as well as many other improvements across the site.
This year, the funding will be used to create an extension to our toilets and surrounding area - creating a safer environment for our students - roofing works, new heating panel, new high level lighting in our Chapel, as well as electrical wiring upgrades across the site..
If you would like to make a one off or regular donation to this fund, then please click on the button below.
Support Us
"Every child has the right to an excellent education – to the best teachers and the full range of opportunities"
Ms Claire Jarman, Principal of Cardinal Newman Catholic School
Together, we can make sure all our students get the best possible experience at our school, giving them the extra edge when competing for a place at University or the world of work, and enhancing their outlook and life skills.
A financial gift for our school, though it is a cliché, is the gift that really will keep on giving. Below, we’ve listed some of the projects we are working on that we believe will have a strong impact on our students, and details of how to give. Thank you for being part of our vision of an excellent education for all.
Here is a selection of projects that show why your support is important:

Volunteer: parents and friends
We always need more volunteers! Whether you can talk to a class about your work, support language exams, serve at a bar, garden or clean out a cupboard we would love to hear from you!