Looking Forward to a great 2025
Who to contact...
A break down of who does what and how to contact them. Remember all our email addresses are initial.surname@cncs.co.uk (i.e. j.bloggs@cncs.co.uk)
If you know who you want to contact, or you want to report an absence, please use the button below:
Senior leadership Team
The Senior leadership team are responsible for the overall running of the school
Heads of Houses and Form Tutors
Your child's head of House, PAM (pastoral and attendance manager) and form tutor are responsible for your child's emotional and academic wellbeing and are usually the first point of contact if you have any questions
Subject Leaders
If you have a question about a particular subject, especially as your child approaches GCSE, or you feel you can help in some way through your work or academic experience, you can contact the subject leader
The Learning Support team and Pastoral staff co-operate closely in attending to the needs of those with emotional or behavioural problems. Students who have continual emotional, behavioural or attendance problems are supported through our Inclusion team. A team of experienced staff work alongside students and families offering, individual, small group or classroom support. The help of agencies from outside the school may be called on in some cases, though the school has its own medical centre and counselling services, which are accessible to everyone. We have found partnership with parents to be a vital ingredient in our attempts both to identify and to provide for special needs.
For support in school you can email the Wellbeing Team through the button below, or by contacting your child’s Form Tutor, Pastoral & Progress Leader (PPL) or Pastoral and Attendance Manager (PAM).
There is also a wealth of mental health and wellbeing information here
Our exams team deal with any enquiries specific to exams
Trips and visits
We have a great range of trips available to our students across the school and college. If you would like to find out more, please click on the button below.
Other useful contact details
Absence – absence@cncs.co.uk
Admissions – admissions@cncs.co.uk
Chaplaincy – chaplaincy@cncs.co.uk
Marketing - marketing@cncs.co.uk
Newman College – newmancollege@cncs.co.uk
Reception – reception@cncs.co.uk
Student Services – admin@cncs.co.uk
Technical Support – support@cncs.co.uk
Trips and Events – visits@cncs.co.uk