Looking Forward to a great 2025
How it works
Throughout the academic year, Mr Brown will be running a drop-in session for any questions relating to progress of your DofE award. This session will be held every Tuesday break times, in the Benedict Building.
How to join the DofE Programme at Newman?
During the Year 9 Summer Term, Information about DofE will be sent to parents, carers, form tutors and students about how to join. This is the start of the Enrollment.
What's involved?
The Dofe award is a voluntary award that can celebrate the achievements that you undertake at home or afterschool. If combines a range of activities to celebrate and improve a person's health/skills and social interactions. Improving confidence and empowering the individual to step outside of their comfort zone.
Important Dates
Year 9 Summer Term (June) - Initial information sent to parents, carers, forms tutors and students.
Summer Holidays - All enrolled students can begin DofE activities.
Year 10 Autumn Term (September) - Online meeting to parents, carers and students about DofE and how to support the students.
Year 10 Autumn Term (October) - Continue activities: log/evidence/track progress.
Year 10 Autumn Term (November) - One 3 month section should now be complete
Year 10 Autumn Term (December) - Online meeting 'How to get a place on the expedition'.
Year 10 Summer Term (May) - Practice Expedition Weekend
Year 10 Summer Term (June) - Assessed Expedition Weekend
When can you join the programme?
You will be able to join the Newman DofE programme in the Summer Term of Year 9. Activities then begin during the summer term and then furthermore in Year 10.
How to start your DofE award
For more information about how to get started with your 'eDofE', take a look at the below slide pack.
If you're looking for opportunities to volunteer in the local area, then take a look at the link below for some suggestions.
Student support
Throughout the academic year, Mr Brown will be running a drop-in session for any questions relating to progress of your DofE award. This session will be held every Tuesday break times, in the Benedict Building.