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Exam Information

For general guidance on Examinations, please refer to the documents and links below.

Post Exam

If you have any concerns about your results, please refer to the 'Post-Results' Information below.


For any enquiries, please contact

Please note: This can only be completed by a student with a email address

GCSE Results

Please click on the link below to see the latest Department for Education Performance Tables for Cardinal Newman Catholic School:

DfE Performance Tables (Secondary)

Disadvantaged students


Disadvantaged students are those who attract pupil premium funding at the end of key stage 4, meaning students claiming free school meals at any point in the previous 6 years, students in care, and those who left care through adoption or another formal route. The performance of disadvantaged students is compared with the local authority and the England average for ‘other’, where other means non – disadvantaged students.

You can compare the students’ results with performance at state-funded schools and colleges at local authority and national level.

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