Looking Forward to a great 2025

As a Catholic School we believe in the development and celebration of the whole person as an image of God and the whole person should be celebrated.
As such our curriculum is wide and offers large elements of choice. Our school curriculum is designed so that all students’ gifts and talents can be developed and celebrated. We offer over and above the requirements of the National Curriculum at KS3 and allow students to choose part of their course of study in languages and the Arts and technologies in years 8 and 9.
At KS4 we offer free choice in students options and fully comply with the requirement for students to study in the 4 curriculum areas of technology, Language, Humanities and the Arts if they so wish. At KS5 our offer is wide and flexible with both academic and vocational courses on offer where students can mix and match. We also offer unique fast track courses.
Learning in Subjects
We aim to challenge educational and social inequity by empowering our children to
Understand, Interpret, and Think about the World in new ways beyond their immediate experience.
Curriculum and academic rigour are key to maximising the future life chances of our learners.
We believe children of all abilities are entitled to access powerful knowledge and to have high expectations of what they can achieve.
What this means in practice is that, every lesson, students will know more, be able to do more and retain more.
To find out more information about our curriculum, please click on the link below to contact one of our Subject Leaders,
Our extra curricular programme at all Key stages is second to none, and students are strongly encouraged to participate in many of our clubs, activities and visits
At Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 these are formalised into an academy structure where students can specialise in timetabled extra curricular activities to a very high standard.
This model brings the school and College high levels of success in many sports and outstanding performances in the Arts. Our academy provision for academic subjects at Key Stage 5 provides the backbone for the gifted and talented work in other Key Stages.
Co-Curriculum: Careers Provision
We want our young adults to be both highly qualified and aspirational
Here at Cardinal Newman Catholic School, our students are at the heart of everything we do. We continue to show Caritas, celebrate their Excellence and come Together as much as we can and for that, we really are proud to be Newman. We are very lucky at Newman, to be able to offer an 11-18 journey for our students as we host both a School and Sixth Form on our site. With this in mind, we have introduced our Business, Enterprise and Careers Hub to support our students from Year 7, right through to Year 13. Please scroll through this page to find information relevant to you and/or your child about our Careers provision at the school/college.