AudioActive runs a range of free open-access music group sessions for young people (ages 12 -25) in Brighton (and across Sussex):
Mondays - Music Production group session - 5:30 - 7:30 - sign up here
Tuesdays - Rap/Recording - 5:30 - 7:30 - sign up here
Thursdays - Equaliser (young women's music production) - 5:30 - 7:30 sign up here
In addition, we facilitate the following:
Mondays - Vocalise (young women's singing/songwriting with a focus on Well-being 13-19yrs) - 5:30 - 7:00 - sign up here
Wednesdays - Room To Rant (young men's rap / mental health session 16 -25yrs) sign up here
AudioActive andBrighton& Hove Adolescent Service‘s SHIFT programme is one-to-one music mentoring for 11- 17-year olds. SHIFT works closely with schools and statutory services to provide positive activities to divert participants from negative behaviours and social groups. Mentors can offer emotional support and advice alongside creativesessionssuch as music production, lyric writing, singing, or playing instruments.Sessionscan take place in school or off-site at AudioActive's studios 'Bottega Rooms'. SHIFT supports young people to talk about and navigate issues they might be dealing with, whilst helping them discover or nurture an interest in music making. Longer-term, there is the opportunity to become part of AudioActive’s broader community where they can regularly continue activities and musical progression routes for free.
For more information about the criteria and referral process contact Tom Hines