Congratulations to our Year 11 CNCS Students who have now received their Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Their dedication, perseverance, and a spirit of adventure marks a significant achievement in their personal and academic journeys.
For many months, these young individuals embarked on a set of challenges, pushing their boundaries and honing crucial life skills. From adventurous expeditions to volunteering in their communities, each participant demonstrated resilience and a commitment to personal growth.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award program is a testament to the development of well-rounded, responsible, and compassionate individuals. The recipients not only showcased physical endurance during their expeditions but also exhibited a passion for community service and the development of valuable life skills.
The awards ceremony was a moment of celebration, with our Principal, Vice Principal and DofE Coordinator witnessing the recognition of their hard work. The smiles on the faces radiated a sense of accomplishment and the realisation that they are now equipped with a versatile skill set that will serve them well in the future.
Well done to all students involved!