Next week in school we are launching 'Keeping Safe Week'. This will involve assemblies for every year group, PSHE sessions and workshops for groups of Year 8 & 9 students. We will be covering a wide range of topics including:
Strategies to keep ourselves and others safe in school, online and in the wider community
Exploitation and County lines: how to keep yourselves safe from exploitation and how to recognise the signs if peers might be being exploited
How to ensure that every member of our community is treated equally, addressing sexism, misogyny and introducing our new 'this boy can' campaign focusing on the qualities we want to develop and celebrate in our students.
Our Year 7 students have already had PSHE sessions on Road Safety from the Police Safety Team and Fire safety from the East Sussex Fire safety Team in preparation for the week. We hope the students will have an enjoyable and thought provoking week. We have included a video for you to watch, provided by Sussex Police which provides some helpful information on exploitation and county lines:
