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Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND)

We are an inclusive school and we work collaboratively with our students with SEND, their families and the wider school staff to ensure learning can take place. We want to ensure that each student is provided with opportunity, support and challenge to become their personal best and to realise their God-given potential.

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With an experienced Learning Support Team, the department provides a range of support, care and intervention for students with SEND who experience a range of barriers to their learning. This may be individual, small group, classroom support or within our alternative provision such as LS1, The Loft or Forest School. We create bespoke provision for students that places an emphasis on wellbeing and care being as important as academic progress. We understand that young people are complex and that their special educational needs may not be under a single broad area of need.
We work closely with a range of outside agencies and specialist staff that support the department in identification, assessment and support of individual needs. In addition to this we have a school medical centre which is accessible to all students with SEND. We recognise as a department that we do not work in isolation and that working with our professional colleagues in the areas of safeguarding, wellbeing, attendance and pastoral care are the key to ensuring positive outcomes for our students with SEND.

We pride ourselves on the positive partnerships we establish with our parents and carers and understand how their knowledge of their young person is critical in providing the holistic picture of the individual student.

Every student identified with SEND has a designated key worker monitoring their progress so that no student is left behind. All Learning Support staff commit to our whole school values and reinforce this to our students with SEND.

  • CARITAS – I am proud that I have been created for a specific purpose. I am valued, I am valuable. And I value others.

  • EXCELLENCE – I always aim for my personal best. I have the power to make everyone’s day better, every day.

  • TOGETHER – I am a link in a chain, I am part of the Newman Team. I understand that my strength is about lifting somebody else up, not putting somebody else down.

More Information...

SEND Policy

Accessibility Plan

SEN Information Report


Our Inclusion Team form a huge part of our CNCS Community...

If you would like to contact us about Inclusion at our school, please contact the SEND team via the button below. Alternatively, please see the contact details below for our SEND Administrators, who will be happy to help!

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Ms A Foxwell

Assistant Headteacher | SENDCO

Mr M Bath

Assistant SENDCO | Communication & Interaction

Ms L Jeffrey

Assistant SENDCO | College

Ms K Wyatt

Assistant SENDCO | Cognition & Learning

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Dan Andrews, SENCO
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Ms D Gooding

Assistant SENDCO | SEMH

Mr D Andrews

Assistant SENDCO | Alternative Provision

Mrs A. Swann

SEND Administrator | Works Monday-Wednesday

Ms T Abdou

SEND Administrator | Works Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

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Contact Us

If you would like to contact other members of the SEND team, you can find their contact details in the document, within the button below.

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