Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year. See You All On Januray 6th 2025
SEND Progression Chart
Year 6
Our Learning Support Department liaises with the SENCOs in our primary feeder schools, to ensure that all important information about your child's learning needs are shared with year 7 form tutors and subject teachers. We visit primary schools during the Summer Term, to start to get to know students in their existing learning environment and students visit Cardinal Newman for a taster day. Further visits can be arranged for those students and parents/carers who require additional support with their transition.
Year 7
Shortly after joining Cardinal Newman, all year 7 students complete a range of tests, which gives us a standardised score, showing each students’ performance compared to others (nationally) of the same chronological age. This, together with CAT (Cognitive Ability Tests) results, allows us to identify any students who are working below what is expected for their age. These students attend one or more of a number of targeted interventions, aimed specifically at boosting their ability to read, spell and communicate confidently and accurately. Students who qualify for a specific intervention are allocated a Key Worker. Their names are added to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Record (SEND Record) and a Progress Plan (PP) is issued.
Year 8
As they progress to Year 8, students who attended support groups in Year 7 will be re-tested in reading and spelling. Many will now attain scores in line with their chronological age and will no longer require a focused intervention. On-going support and monitoring is then delivered by subject teachers and/or by allocating a teaching assistant to support a number of students within normal, subject specific lessons. Where a focused intervention is still required, this will be reviewed regularly throughout year 8.
Year 9
This is a pivotal year, in terms of guiding students to choose their KS4 subjects. Students who are on the SEND Record and/or who gained CATS scores in the lower than average category for their age, are screened for eligibility for Access Arrangements. This is a formal process that, if students qualify, allows provision such as extra time in exams/assessments and/or a scribe and/or a reader or prompt, according to individual need.Year 10 and 11As students begin their KS4 studies, the Support option is available for students who struggle with English and Maths. The Support Option is invaluable in helping them to cope with the rigours of the new GCSE specifications. If you feel that your child would benefit from the Support Option please speak to a member of the SEND team - details within the page linked below.
Year 12 and 13
In Years 12 and 13, many students who received support may no longer require our assistance. Some, however, need support to meet the challenges of KS5 study. We liaise closely with students/parents/carers and form tutors to ensure that appropriate support is available when required. Sometimes this takes place outside of lessons. Access Arrangements awarded at GCSE often remain in place for KS5. Students are re-assessed, to confirm their on-going eligibility.
Moving On
We offer guidance to support our young people when moving on from year 11, 12 or 13 to further education, training and/or employment. If students choose to progress to Higher Education, career guidance and advice on progression is provided in various ways; via form tutors, subject teachers, careers advisors and liaison with colleges and universities.