Looking Forward to a great 2025

Tracking and Progress
We use regular assessment to let students understand where they are on their learning journey and what subject specific knowledge, understanding and skills they need to make progress in each subject.
The Assessment Process
Assessment is an ongoing process. We gather evidence from a variety of sources including: classroom observation, written work in the classroom, homework, school tests and assessments, predictions based upon prior attainment, KS2 National Curriculum tests or GCSE/BTEC/NVQ examinations
Progress Pathways and Attitude to Learning
We monitor students progress using a Progress Pathway which calculates the progress a student has made by the end of KS2 to the end of KS4.
We set high expectations and raise our students’ ambitions and aspirations and encourage them to take a positive and responsible attitude to learning.
You can find out more information about how we monitor student progress here: Progress Pathways and Attitude to Learning
Reporting to Parents
Every half term we report home to parents on their son/daughter’s Attitude to Learning. In addition to this we report on attainment as a percentage achieved in standardised assessments at Key Stage 3, and as a GCSE grade (1-9) at Key Stage 4. This takes place twice a year for Key Stage 3 and three times a year at Key Stage 4.
In both cases (ATLs and Progress) we also report the average ATL grade or percentage across the cohort to allow parents to see how their child is doing in comparison with their peers.
Reward and Recognition
Students are rewarded and recognised for excellent effort and/or outstanding performance. There are rewards when 50, 100 and multiples of 50 achievement points are received. In addition, letters are sent home as a commendation for a particular piece of work or good deed.